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The importance of employee engagement in sustainability

Employee engagement is vital for sustainability efforts to be successful. Learn about how to get your teams on board.

Sustainability is a crucial aspect of any business, and it's not just about meeting regulations or reducing costs. Companies that embrace sustainability can improve their reputation, build trust with customers and stakeholders, and foster a positive work environment. However, despite the importance of sustainability, many businesses still fail to achieve their goals in this space. One key reason for this is that many businesses fail to properly engage their employees.

Why employee engagement matters

Employee engagement is vital for sustainability efforts to be successful. Employees who work in the day-to-day operations of a company often have first-hand experience with the challenges and opportunities for sustainability, making them valuable assets in developing and implementing effective strategies. By tapping into the knowledge and creativity of their staff, organisations can gain new insights and ideas to drive sustainability initiatives forward.

Furthermore, involving employees in sustainability efforts can help build a culture of ownership and accountability, with staff feeling invested in the success of the company's sustainability goals. When staff are engaged and feel a sense of responsibility, they are more likely to act in ways that align with the company's sustainability goals, such as reducing waste and energy consumption, and finding ways to operate more efficiently.

How to engage employees in organisational sustainability


Companies should communicate their sustainability goals and efforts to all employees. This helps them to understand the company's priorities and how they can contribute.

Lead by example

Companies should walk the talk by implementing sustainable practices and encouraging employees to do the same. This creates a culture of environmental responsibility and inspires staff members to take action.

Provide training and resources

Providing employees with the tools and resources they need to make sustainable choices can be a game-changer. Offer training on sustainability topics, such as reducing waste and energy consumption, and provide resources such as reusable water bottles and safe bicycle storage spaces.

Recognise and reward

Companies can incentivise sustainable behaviour by recognising and rewarding staff members or teams that go above and beyond in their efforts to be environmentally responsible. This encourages employees to take sustainability seriously and helps foster a culture of environmental responsibility.

Make it a team effort

Encourage employees to work together to find and implement sustainable solutions. This not only helps the company achieve its sustainability goals but also helps build a positive work environment.

Employee engagement is a key factor in achieving and even exceeding sustainability goals. FutureTracker can help companies foster a culture of environmental responsibility by involving, educating, and empowering staff from all levels of the business, helping you to build a sustainable culture that lasts for years to come.

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